The Centre for the Study of Social and Humanitarian Crises (CSSHC)
The Centre

The Centre for the Study of Social and Humanitarian Crises (CSSHC) is the first academic centre in Greece, and one of the few globally, dedicated to interdisciplinary research, policy impact and teaching on Social and Humanitarian Crises.
Located at the University of West Attica, Greece, adjacent to the historic Plato’s Academy in Athens, the Centre provides a unique scholarly environment for understanding and, most importantly addressing historic and ongoing crises.
Crises are understood, in the broadest sense, as complex socio-political, environmental and cultural phenomena that cause individuals, communities and countries to experience unprecedented uncertainty, suffering, insecurity but also resilience, solidarity and far-reaching transitions.
It is exactly for this reason that crises, profound as they can be, do provide a context for better understanding social systems and ultimately re-shape the world. Global and social justice is key to this process.
Our Vision
The development, implementation and promotion of research and educational activities focusing on the prevention, management and mitigation of complex social and humanitarian crises facing our societies.
Our Mission
The development of interdisciplinary research, theory and practice through international and multilevel collaborations with researchers, research institutes and local agencies.
Our Aim
The development of interdisciplinary approaches and community intervention in the broad areas of wellbeing, empowerment, rehabilitation and social change, focusing on groups, individuals and communities that have been affected by social and humanitarian crises.